9:20 AM Talk by Kathryn Whitaker - "The Beauty of Being YOU" followed by Break/Time for Discussion
10:15 AM Talk by Barbara Heil - "Woman of the Word: You Are Chosen!" followed by Break/Time for Discussion
11:05 AM Talk by Kathryn Whitaker - "Making Your Mess, Your Message" followed by Break/Time for Discussion
12:00 PM Talk by Barbara Heil - "Woman of the Word: Share the Gospel!" followed by Break/Time for Discussion
1:00 PM Q&A with Barbara Heil
1:20 PM Closing remarks and prayer
All the talks will have the option of viewing in English or in English with Spanish subtitles. This schedule will continue to be updated as more information becomes available. This tentative schedule is subject to change. Slight adjustments to the times may also be made.
Copies of the conference schedule (8.5x11 with options of 1 or 2 copies per page) can be downloaded by clicking on one of the images below to download the version you need.